miercuri, 26 decembrie 2012

Puzzle ,,Omul de zapada"

joi, 6 decembrie 2012

1 Decembrie - Ziua Națională a României

 1 decembrie este ziua în care, în fiecare an, sărbătorim Ziua Națională a României. Și în orașul nostru, ca dealtfel în toată țara, au avut loc ceremonii și evenimente care au marcat această zi importantă. Elevii și profesorii din școala noastră au depus coroane de flori la Monumentul ridicat în amintirea și cinstea eroilor morți în marele război pentru întregirea neamului. 

miercuri, 31 octombrie 2012

ora in lume

vineri, 5 octombrie 2012

Ziua Europeana a Limbilor

Pe 26 septembrie, de Ziua Europeana a Limbilor, copiii au pregatit prezentari power-point, referate si poezii cu aceasta tema. Atat noi, elevii participanti la acest proiect, cat si colegii nostrii am recunoscut steagurile tarilor din intreg continentul european si am invatat lucruri noi despre popoarele din Europa. Noi, iubitorii de limbi straine, am sarbatorit cu mult drag aceasta sarbatoare.

Hermina Voki

Andreea Voki

Voki Mihnea

miercuri, 15 august 2012

Etwinning project-School nr. 4 Rosiori de Vede & eTwinnerii

Title : Blogtrotters across Europe 

- Brief description: We are creating a blog with … partners (they’re from Italy, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Norway, UK …). Each of them will be “administrator” of the blog. The blog is easier to manage than websites and it is free and interactive. The blog can be used by teachers and students to collaborate on line. The topic of the blog must be updated every two months according to particular themes proposed by the administrators. October-November : presentations of the students: who are they, their school and the subjects studied, their lifestyle … December- January: a description of their country and the city/town where they live ( streets, monuments, history, environment … ) February – March: local festivities, traditions and celebrations April – May: Famous people in the world of local culture (art, music, literature etc)
- Language of communication: English language
- Topics: culture and traditions of the countries involved in the project
- Tools: blogger, google Docs, e mail, photos, videos, sounds, writing and other multimedial tools
- Goals: 
• to foster the European dimension in education;
• to support intercultural dialogue
• to develop a true European identity
• to use ICT to create, communicate and share
- How to participate : Each partner create and then publish the POSTS according to the topic established for that term. They will start a new activity through articles which can be accompanied by videos, photos, drawings etc. The students add a comment to the main articles Even visitors and guests can participate by commenting an article or suggesting new topics.
- Results: The participation of the students from all the countries involved to exchange information about the culture of their own country and share their own opinion about European dimension. At the end of the year we will have a blog with an interesting collection of writings, videos, photos etc. made by the students as a result of the cooperation between them.